Our dedicated People & Culture Manager, Kirsty Linfield has 20 years of experience within the veterinary industry and has a passion for meeting and onboarding new employees as well as one on one support, coaching and performance management of our existing team. The Southern Vet Group prides itself on a culture of professionalism and ongoing learning. With extensive facilities, mentor support and internal continuing professional development as well as a large and varied caseload, we can nurture your veterinary or nursing career. Please get in touch if you would like to join our team.


Our Veterinarian Experience

Our team of over 30 vets work with a broad range of equipment and a supportive nursing team. Naturally we have high expectations of our veterinary team and we create a roster to promote a fair work-life balance. We are interested in hearing from experienced vets with areas of special interest who want to go above and beyond with customer service and the delivery of gold standard veterinary care.

Our vets have the opportunity to expand their interests including soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery, dermatology, imaging (radiography, CT, ultrasonography, endoscopy, laparoscopy and arthroscopy), ophthalmology, neurology and dentistry and supported in local, interstate and international conference or workshop attendance. The opportunity to follow cases throughout is important to us, as well as performing or assisting with advanced surgical or medical procedures.

For veterinarian enquiries, please contact Dr Phil Hutt at phil@southvet.com.au


Our Graduate Vet Experience

Our supportive culture and large medicine, surgical and emergency caseload provides a progressive pathway for a graduate entering clinical practice. We onboard a team of graduates every year who wish to experience a fast paced environment within a large, experienced team,  many of whom started their own veterinary careers in the group as graduates. Structured consult and surgical training and mentors guidance has been fundamental to the success of our graduate program. We actively encourage professional development and/or education after the first 12 months of employment recognising the first year is packed full of internal learning opportunities.

We take applications for graduate positions throughout the final year of vet school and actively encourage the arrangement of placement to gain an insight into the group and meet with some of our team. Please contact our People & Culture Manager for further information.


Our Veterinary Nurse Experience

Our Veterinary nurses are like no other and are passionate about providing the best level of patient care and customer service. We have a team of over 60 nurses across the group and 25 currently in training working a roster of mornings, afternoons/evenings and weekends over a 7 day cycle. We actively encourage continued learning and development of advanced nursing skills and provide the opportunity to expand individual passions and interest including team leadership, practice management, puppy pre-school, nurse training, nutrition, rehabilitation and wildlife nursing to name a few.

The Southern Vet Group is pleased to support the completion of Certificate IV Veterinary Nursing via external study coordinated with training providers. Through paid employment, our trainee nurses develop nursing skills complementing their study in client and patient care, surgery and treatment roles that underline our core values of delivering a high standard of care to pets, their owners and to our colleagues.  Whether you are a Certificate IV Veterinary Nurse or considering a career in veterinary nursing, email your resume to admin@southvet.com.au or drop into one of our hospitals and clinics. We encourage unpaid trials to spend time with our nursing teams. If successful, you will be added to our talent pool for future vacancies as they arise across our group. We don’t hire for experience but for the right approach, attitude and team fit. We are an equal opportunity employer, and age is no barrier to a successful career with the Southern Vet Group.

If you are interested in a position with the Southern Vet Group please check our current vacancies or email your resume to Kirsty Linfield at admin@southvet.com.au We look forward to hearing from you.


Work Experience

We are able to offer work experience from Year 12 and advise you enquire as early as possible as we can be booked up several months in advance. Please email your resume to admin@southvet.com.au with dates you wish us to consider, and we will contact you as soon as possible. If you interested in veterinary nursing, please contact us in Year 12 regarding our traineeship program.
